Outside of using a weed eater a couple times over the years, I have no knowledge of how they work or are put together. I checked online for the spark plug gap information for this model but everything else has been guesswork. I am going to feel SO GOOD if this thing runs tomorrow!
Look below. This is a little tiny mushroom I found growing in my tomato pot yesterday! Isn't it beautiful?

My tomato plants are getting big, I should probably put them out tomorrow in their forever home. If it's not good motorcycle riding weather, I probably will. If it's pretty outside though, I will more than likely grab one of my kids & head out to Bowling Green to meet my riding buddy.
Useful gardening time is easy to squeeze out of a busy schedule, you can even do that in the rain. Motorcycle weather isn't as easy to come by!

And finally, these are my grandbeans! Look how eensy beensy they are! All my bean plants are covered-up with them, too. I could just eat them up with a spoon. Actually, I probably will be eating them up soon, as fast as they're growing. My others, the red 18" long climbing beans, aren't growing as quickly as I'd hoped & they don't have any flowers yet either. I think they're not getting the optimum amount of sunlight that they need. I will have to move them around tomorrow to see if they become happier growing somewhere else.

Hope everyone had a great Saturday too!