My friend from work requested a baby blanket for a baby shower that's coming-up this Sunday. She picked a lovely soft acrylic yarn from Hobby Lobby with loads of soft girly pastel colors in it. In my opinion it is much too hairy a yarn for a baby, even though it's so soft to the touch that it's like a whisper. I quickly completed the knitting and decided to line it with flannel both for extra warmth this winter and to keep the little one away from all that nasty "hair". I got a really good deal on the flannel from JoAnn's in two colors of pink with tons of little hearts all over it!
Unfortunately, the floofy hairy yarn won't work under my sewing machine so I had to blind-stitch the backing on and then I had to hand sew a seam around the border to keep it in the proper shape. That's TWO hand sewn seams! I am a great embroiderer but a terrible seam maker so I wasn't too pleased with the way the second seam turned-out (although my first one, the blind stitched seam, turned-out flawlessly if I do say so myself).
The blanket is so wonderful and warm, I'm sure that it'll be treasured and used often. In fact, I wish I had a larger one for myself. Hubby is a large fella so he doesn't like warm things on the bed even in the middle of the frostiest weather. I, on the other hand, don't like when the temp drops below 70F. *sigh*
I think I will make a double knitted lap blanket for my Dad for Yule and line it with either flannel or fleece, and make him a pocket at the bottom for his feet to slip into. That way he can snuggle-up in his recliner in front of the tv in the evenings and keep toasty warm no matter how cold their old farm house gets. I don't make many things for my Dad, so that might be a nice way to show him that I haven't forgotten about him this holiday. Everything I make usually is for myself or my Mum, like the mittens & socks I just knitted for her birthday on the 12th.
I also need to get on the ball now that cold weather is here and make mittens & hats & scarves for all my boys! In my head (despite the time constraints) I have planned to have a whole box full of warm things for the kids to grab before going outside this winter. But here it is winter and I haven't made anything for them yet!
If I can manage it, this weekend will be for finishing my cardigan and frogging the one toe-up sock that I know I'll NEVER make a mate to and preparing to get into some of my planned winter projects because the cold weather is definitely here already and I'm unprepared as per usual. *sigh* Added to that, I've got that fabulous Kingfisher cape that I've got to FINISH before I'm going to allow myself to get into all the new projects that are on my to-do list!
I carry my knitting everywhere with me, but I rarely get a free minute to work on anything with my hectic schedule and my internet addiction. I keep telling Hubby to get a more lucrative job so I can knit more, but he doesn't see the humor I'm afraid. :)
I'm off to work!
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